
  • Mielda lives in the other world a pocket dimension that is connected to the otherworld also known as Fairy realm, with a presence on a Fairy Tree in the middle of a city.

  • Mielda, as part of Dagda’s fairies, Mielda is dedicated to protecting entrance to the Faery realms on her pocket dimension.

  • Mielda is a descendant/subject of an arch fey protector an old god turned fey, when the old gods were ran out of the human world and onto the Fairy realms.

  • Mielda is low ranking among her peers, there are very few fairies in her pocket dimension.

  • Mielda made a deal with humans to find their baby in the fae world when a changeling replaced them in exchange for the internet.

  • Mielda’s pocket dimension used to be bigger but it got destroyed in a burning fire, with only one surviving tree in what is a city, only Mielda stayed to protect it, while other fairies left to protect more important places.

Fae Worlds

Fae worlds are divided into two, pocket dimensions, and the otherworld, to get through the otherworld, the world of fairies you need to get through pocket dimensions, which are usually protected or haunted by a sort of creature from the fae, usually nature Faries.

Fae Ranks

Old Fairy gods

  • Old gods that were forced to escape into the other world, once other gods took over their territory.

  • They lost their god status, though some are particularly powerful.

  • Some give themselves titles of fairy queens or kings.

  • Though they are not gods they conserve some aspect of their divinity which their vassals reflect.


  • Old gods have had descendants in multiple ways, some are the descendants of workers or workers themselves wrapped by the territory of their Arch fey lord. That is to say, they do have different ranks and characteristics even if they are vassals of the same Arch fey.

  • Changeling: Vassal of the phantom queen (Morrigan)

  • Leprechaun: Vassal of the Fae King of Oaths and Craftmanship  (Lugh)

  • Pixies: They are considered foreigners by some they don’t follow a specific sovereign.

Vassals of The Fae Druid King (Dagda)

  • Nature Fairy: Nature is the highest ranking of faery a vassal can get most rival royal fairies, and is not unheard of one to become a royal themselves, as they embody an aspect of nature itself(example; hunt, rebirth, etc.)

  • Season Fairy: Considered an elite guard fairy, a title only received once a fairy has dominated all aspects of the seasons.

  • Fairy Protector: Lowest Rank, though strength varies a lot protector fairies usually are on the first line of defense keeping pocket dimensions safe.


  • Servants: Though most of them are not even fey, most fairy gods and vassals, recruit by exchange or force depending on their nature, though most of the time the exchange ends up in a bad situation.

  • Servants can vary a lot from species, animals, creatures of all types, and even humans, where humans with the gift of seeing fairies are the most sought out of them. 

Fae Ploy of Fairie Dust

  • The leprechaun king is an old fairy part of the royal court of Lugh.

  • The leprechaun king was one of the greatest craft men, but also one of the most pranking faeries, his idea of pranks only escalated until one day it caused a lot of deaths, he got punished and forced into an oath, that if anyone caught him as a faery he and his descendants had to make a craft. Usually, shoes, though sometimes other craftsmanship was a common exchange.

  • The leprechaun king was tolerant of the punishment until pixies spread the rumor, that leprechauns had much gold(which was true as their craftsmanship earned them a lot of money), and if they were caught they were con concede 3 wishes.

  • Human greed caused the worst to come, Leprechauns were hunted left and right by those foreign fairies, and none of the fairies’ court did anything about it except laugh and see it as a joke.

  • The leprechaun king had lost much of his precious gold trying to ransom for his vassals and wanted to take revenge on the pixies, The [leprechaun king] made a deal with Morrigan for a recipe of a drug, to hypnotize and control men, the drug made of some mushrooms, and it being highly addicting, which he started to spread and make money of.

  • Using the Changelings as a front to spread among humans, he spread it with the name of fairy dust. So pixies would be hunted as much as Leprechauns were.

  • This plan wouldn’t come to fruition until he wrote the play Peter and Wendy in the 19th century settling the plan complete with the release of Peterpan movies where flying is the analogy of the drug.

  • Finally taking revenge on both humans and another fae, the leprechaun king just dedicates himself to keep making his empire bigger serving Morrigan in secrecy,  which desires to create war and chaos.

  • This had not much to do with Mielda, even if the Leprechaun king’s vassals burned most of the pocket dimension in which she resides until Mielda did a favor to a firefighter that helped save the tree, revealing to her that her son was a changeling.

  • Mielda went to find the real son in the other world and asked for the strange device she carried when the firefighter offered her gratitude. This started a good relationship with the firefighter who got the technology to Mielda and started an unfriendly relationship with the leprechauns.