1. Does your lore take place in the “real world” or an alt world?

real world, but kinda an escalated version of it?  The forest I always refer to isn’t some place a person could visit, it’s more like an extra-dimensional space that she draws her power and has to care for

  1. Is Mielda streaming Canon, or Mielda streams are like non-canon side story scenarios? (want to know if to work your streams into the lore)

Canon, being an immortal fey looking over an extra-dimensional space gets lonely so it’s a way to socialize

  1. Does Mielda have a family?

No explicit family, more just a general kinship with the inhabitants of her forest and other fey

  1. Does Mielda live in the fae world?

The fey world is kinda one with the real world, with only the domains of fey existing in a slightly different space, but commonly crossing between

  1. What type of Fairy is Mielda? (Example Archfey)

Pretty low rung on the pole as far as fey power rankings go, the idea with seasonal outfits is it’s a way of showing power growth by mastering her domain at different states

  1. What is currently the cannon of Mielda that is not moving away? (For example, fairy dust is not real, just missed information or bedspread rumors)

Fairy dust, Irish fey being drunks and wreaking havoc giving fey their bad rep, fire burning down the forest being her greatest fear and danger to her domain (future archery/phoenix design concept for a 2.0 has been mulling about since before I debuted lol)

  1. If you had to give Mielda Lore a genre which/which ones would it be?

Definitely kinda a mix of high and urban fantasy vibes