Preface - Fairy Tale

Dear reader gather your friends around and let me tell you the story of the story of Mielda, the fairy of the seasons, a fairy who is most definitely not threatening me to cause permanent baldness, if I don’t do this.

Once upon a time and a very good time, the fairies of the realm gathered to have a nice tea party, they played with each other being friends every day, All the day, all but Mielda and 2 or 3 fairies more, When spring came all bloomed, and dance around, when Autumn came all leaf fell, and witching time began, candy was in abundance on the fairy realm. And when it was Winter all made snowmen, and snow angels which was easy for the fairies who didn’t even need to move their arms, to make an angel, all but one fairy of the seasons, still stuck in spring year round.

Mielda Note: Wtf this prick, I didn’t threaten them, they lost a bet, and I gracefully allowed them to keep their hair if they did this. Also tea party, good time? that’s not my story at all. don’t worry I’ll talk to them and make sure they do it right…

Narrator Note: My apologies, let me start again, apparently this fairy tale is not for children, in any case, is not worth crying over my wasted effort, even if Mielda didn’t even let me keep the once upon a time, I even though I told her that that’s how fairy tales start. She told me she is the fairy and it is her tale so she knows better. I guess you will be the judge if this is even a fairy tale now.

C1 Protectors of the Fae

The Fae realm is one of the most mysterious places, a place of wonder, intrigue, mystery, and chaos, Where gods of old were forced to escape, where people get lost to never be found the same again, even if it was just for what would seem like a few seconds.

The gods of old that are now known as the kings and queens of the realm, had spread taking possession of different and mixed lands, spawning vassals that mirror them. For the old gods that once lost their homes and people, decided to protect and allow their new people to keep their freedom, that was not to say that each had a different vision of freedom and a different thought of who was its biggest adversary.

For somewhere predators, others were the hags and witches, and somewhere other fairies, but for Dagda the king of wisdom, it was not his vassals or the ones from the fairy realm, but the threat of humans, the same humans that worked with the gods that sent them to the fairy realm, the ones that where the biggest threat.

Dagda didn’t spend his time making plots against the humans, he always said that he was not afraid of them, he set his vassals the fairies of nature, seasons, and the protector fairies to protect the entrances to the fae realm, to make sure anyone that accidentally stumbles on them returns being none the wiser, and those who did it on purpose, well to make sure they didn’t have any desire to mess with any fairy.

Mielda used to be one of the fairies protecting that region, she used to protect one of the biggest entrances of the fae realm among hundreds of other fairies, spawning thousands of acres of covered territory, the life was rarely exciting there from there eyes sure, they played jokes, had friends, enemies, saw rumors, and discord between each other, but it was not changing enough for the fairies.

Mielda had a low rank among the season fairies as they said she was not even a real one since she only had a spring form at the time, which set her to be distant from the other fairies, one-day exploring Mielda caught a 1 foot tall changeling of name Charlie carrying a bag doubling its size, Mielda stopped him on his tracks being much taller than them, they where intimidated, Mielda didn’t care about the territory, changeling where fairies and it was fair of them to pass by.

M: “Hey what you got there buddy, sneaking around? aren’t ya” Said Mielda stopping Charlie on its tracks.

C: “Eek, giant! huh oh, nothing? just delivering some flowers to my sick grandma” Charlie said nervously as he tried to look for a way to slip by.

M: “Oh well you should have said it sooner, nobody told you there is a flower tax now” Replied Mielda with a smirk knowing that Charlie was lying she picked up Charlie and its bag, opening it up.

M: Mielda took a look seeing that it had some strange pasting things with a bunch of tiny metal pieces, she wouldn’t recognize it at the time but it was electronics, game consoles from the human realm. “What strange flowers?”

C: “Yes, yes they are ugly, you don’t want those flowers,” Said Charlie desperately trying to take his things back.

M: “Well, you are right, so here, take these instead” replied Mielda pushing Charlie off, and picking some flowers from the ground.

C: “Huh no you can’t take those…” Said getting frustrated as his things were being taken away, grabbing the flowers before tossing them to the side to the side.

M: “For the gods’ sake, I know they are not flowers, these are some sort of human jewelry?, and you took the flowers, so they are mine now, it was a fair proper exchange” Mielda grabbed one of the biggest pieces, which was an old mobile videogame console.

C: “What that’s not fair! give it back, they are not jewelry you don’t even know how to use them,” said Desperate.

M: “Oh they have a use… well well how about we make a second deal? you tell me how to use this and I don’t tell my dear friends that you are smuggling human weaponry” Mielda grabbed the changeling by its tiny shoulder.

C: “What?.. what do you mean by second? you… you this is an extorsion” Feeling nervous and realizing the situation.

M: “I prefer the term business agreement” Replied Mielda with a smile.

Mielda got to use the video game console even if the battery died rather quickly from her perspective, Mielda found it fun and began to hunt for Charlie when she got bored, decommissioning and making business transactions with Charlie for things from the human world.

It was not in any shape or form forbidden but Charlie didn’t know that even if they were a vassal of the queen Morrigan the phantom queen, and even though there were many plots, she is Dagda’s wife and the vassals have no real amnesty. Charlie then made deals with the Leprechaun King and preferred to avoid Morrigan’s territory where she would be notified.

Eventually, Charlie and Mielda got to know each other more, forming a sort of bond, where it became part of their nature, and Mielda got to know more and more about human technology. Even if it was fickle and short-lived it was interesting. one day, Mielda caught Charlie and they were not carrying just something from the human world but a human baby.

Mielda was surprised, but she didn’t want to decommission a baby, nor did want to tell on Dagda, it would potentially mean the end of the human strange artifacts business. The baby was weeing a family crest of the sun on its chest, wrapped around a firetruck

M: “What the fuck Charlie? this is a hu~” Mielda replied in surprise, cut short by Charlie’s shushing notices.

C: “Shhh Mielda come on be quiet please, I’m running a secret errand for Morrigan, this baby is amm destined to destroy all the fae realms, Morrigan sent me to capture and replace him, see my first official changeling mission” Charlie desperately lied through his teeth the logic was full of holes, and even though changeling looked pleadingly at Mielda.

M: “You could keep this one, but you know it’s kind of cute in a weird way, I heard these can smell very badly… so you going for a while huh… hmm well what do you have to exchange for this thing then?”

Charlie exchanged information for Mielda telling her about a certain technology called the internet able to access to all human games and information before going their separate ways.

C2 All has a price

Things became calm and boring again weeks passed by, and Mielda returned to her post things going their regular course, and no human toys to play with, Mielda went back to focus on her experiments mixing and matching different mushrooms and ingredients, at least some of their weird reactions, turned to be quite fun.

As Mielda wished for more excitement her wish would come back in the form of a curse, Mielda got to her post, feeling the air was hotter than normal, and bright lights were in the distance. Confused Mielda wondered what was going on it was still spring it wouldn’t be summer until noon, it was too early for it.

Until she saw a friend Rootfer moving at a normal pace for most fairies towards Mielda, this alarmed Mielda as she had not seen Rootfer move so fast, one of the few ranking fairies she could get along was this alarmed must have been important.

M: “Rootfer what’s going on?”  Said Mielda alarmed.

R: “Oh hey Mielda how is it going?” She stopped smiling calmly.

M: “I’m fine, what do you mean how is it going, why are you in such a rush?”

R: “Oh yeah some humans arrived… they started burning the forest… they are kidnapping some fairies or something? I don’t know King said something about closing this gate permanently so we are just letting this sub-plane burn…”

M: “What the actual fuck… humans, fire, the king is here? what had been going on… I can’t leave my tree behind, I have not packed my stuff… I’m going to talk to the king! try to help maybe we can stop it.”

R: “Alright girl just don’t let yourself be kidnapped ok? I don’t think is your thing, but I saw one guard implore them to kidnap them”

Mielda ignored the last comment and rushed to the scene, the fire was spreading quickly until he saw Dagda, it was easy to forget, how menacing Dagda looked while in battle, though people should barely call it battle and more of a slaughter. the big-bellied giant like King Dagda who usually had a big bright smile, had a raging look on his face, smashed human crushed under his club.

Mielda arrived as the combat had just ended, Dagda allowed some humans to escape, ignored the fire, and began to chant. To close off the gate permanently.

Interrupted by Mielda, Dagda was confused, Mielda was just asking for more time before Dagda closed the dimension, as Dagda saw the fire burning on the dimension, he agreed not to force the dimension to be closed, but left it up to the chance of the fire destroying the whole pocket dimension, he will shrink the dimension to whatever was not burned.

Mielda didn’t care completely about where she lived at the time, but she needed time to move her things, more than the fire or Dagda would give her.

Mielda rushed around trying to find a lake to doze the fire or keep her area safe from the fire, but the lakes close by were dry, something that had never happened before, maybe it was the fact that the water nymphs escaped, or someone plotted all this, but there was not much Mielda could do the fire was going to consume it all.

But as Mielda rushed around she noticed part of the flames were dozing on their own, not burning as hot as they should out of nowhere, Mielda peered on the human dimension, where she would spot a firefighter crew. Mielda didn’t want to interact with humans, but they were her hope.

Mielda saw a smokejumper by the name of Jean that was quickly being surrounded by fire, Mielda didn’t know what sort of plan the person had but it was working with the other humans that were trying to calm the fire.

Convinced that she would be of use helping Mielda approached, trying to convince helping the area of the forest she lived in was an essential thing to save. something that was not very hard to do.

The fire was now too spread for Jean to do something with just her smokejumper tools, not enough time for her to make a ditch around Mielda’s section of the forest, but seeing a fairy for the first time, she was forced by her mind to believe this mysterious force or hallucination.

Jean followed Mielda, and directed the help from the other wildlife firefighters, managing to make sure Mielda’s section of the forest survived, but it was only by a hair’s breadth as Mielda’s tree was on the very edge of the fire.

In a moment of calmness, Mielda recognized Jean’s logo on a necklace as she removed her jacket resting from the fatigue of the arduous work. it was a crest of a sun. Mielda cast a small incantation, perceiving the traces of the changeling Charlie of her, after all, Mielda, knew the essence well enough.

C3 I offer you child

Jean would tank Mielda for her support in controlling the fire, trying to make conversation with what would be a fantastic creature for Jean, as she waited for the smoke to clear out, and be safe for her to be picked up.

Mielda struck conversation but quickly shifted towards, Jean’s son. Mielda told her about Charlie replacing her, and Jean didn’t believe her, Mielda told Jean to investigate the child using some sort of image-capturing device and she would truly see the baby’s true colors if she didn’t believe her.

Jean went away and Mielda returned to the pocket dimension of the forest, now barely any big at all, the king had reduced the since more thank quite a bit to keep the entrance hidden. But a few days passed, and Mielda was now alone, preparing to move out bored now of the even quieter pocket dimension, she had her thing ready until her ears rang.

Mielda peered into the other dimension where she saw Jean carrying Charlie restrained, She told Mielda she was right, that she wanted her child back, she tried getting the information out of Charlie but Charlie managed to convince Jean that they didn’t speak any human language.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Mielda pretended to understand the random sounds that Charlie made, She told Jean it was a fairy language, and that she could find  Jean’s baby if Jean followed some instructions.

Mielda convinced her that she needed to give up the change ling to give the child back the changeling had to take the child’s place, which was not true, but she needed to know where the child was, and only Charlie knew, and Mielda was confident she could extort do business negotiations with Charlie. the other if Mielda was to do something, there were rules of fairy to follow fair exchanges, which was a complete lie, but Jean didn’t need to know that.

Mielda requested the best human artifact that she knew about, the internet,  Mielda knew nothing about it, and Jean didn’t know how she would fulfill her promise, but she was desperate she would agree to anything to get her child back, and trusted Mielda with her life, after all, she is the one that told her about the demon-like creature in the first place.

Jean agreed but not knowing how to communicate or get her child back Mielda gave her an enchanted branch of her tree, a branch Jean needed to graft into the closest tree, which luckily for her she had a tree in her backyard. Jean didn’t want to leave but everything felt uncertain even if she trusted Mielda, she wanted her child as soon as it was possible

Back in the pocket dimension, Mielda threatened Charlie to give the location of the baby, but the location was compromised anyway so, Charlie didn’t put a heavy resistance on, strangely eh baby was not with Morrigan, the baby was with the Leprechaun.

C4 Fairy dust

Mielda arrived at the location where she sneaked by or tried anyway, she was almost immediately spotted, by the leprechaun where she confronted them. Leprechaun looked small to Mielda, but Mielda knew they were not to be trifled over, any adult leprechaun had enough magic in it to overpower a Season fae that could only invoke the power of one season. that is not to say that some rival Nature fairies, and are one of the trickiest faes.

Mielda gets dragged to the ruler of that establishment of leprechauns, their elder, a leprechaun who you could almost count the few remaining red hairs on his silvery hair. To others it would look fruitless, leprechauns are very protective of their territory, and some spite might have built over some fairies spreading the rumors that you will get a pot of gold if you capture a leprechaun, who knows how much time ago.

But if there was one thing about leprechauns it was that they were restricted by their word, sure they would try to twist it, but the magical bond their words had was the strongest of them all the fae by far. even more than other vassals of Lugh. Mielda would just have to strike a deal of sorts.

The Elder was hard to convince of anything, The tech Mielda stole was not of their interest they had it already and knew it would be broken by the time, even though Mielda was carrying gold, she didn’t have enough to pay for the child. Mielda was not completely convinced, but leprechauns were natural pranksters, and very guarded of their things.

Mielda promised three things in exchange for the child, to leave immediately with the baby not telling anyone the location of that base and not return to it, and two, to proclaim the leprechauns to be the best race in front of Dagda’s castle and proclaim how majestic and wonderful they are, praising them for an hour straight. and three to only eat things that are green in color for a week.

Epilog - I receive internet

Leaving with the baby, Mielda heard about fairy dust, some leprechauns mocked her proud of their prank for spreading the rumor of fairy dust, being glad they had something for their pot of gold joke, but they didn’t elaborate. Mielda tried questioning them, but as she stopped her legs moved on their own towards the exit, Being forced to abide by her promise to the leprechauns.

Mielda lost interest soon after realizing she would soon have access to that famous internet, so she left home with the baby in her arms, She immediately visited Jean, who was relieved to see the baby didn’t even wonder about the internet, she just hugged him, and took him straight to take a shower and be clean.

Mielda acted patient but her long stay became noticeable, Jean broke out of her state to finally make good on her deal, She was very thankful, and to Mielda what the internet was, and helped her set up a computer on Mielda’s house, for other people they would now see two weird cables, that appeared to be connected to the tree, passing electricity and internet to Mielda on her pocket dimension.

Mielda didn’t feel disappointed by the Internet, quickly her knowledge of the human world and technology increased, and she started interacting with humans and other being sover the Internet.

Until one-day Mielda discovered streaming, and eventually, Mielda would learn of human science, strangely enough, that path took her to finally mastering fall, taking on a witch-like aspect. but that is a story for another day.